
Paweł Ziółek – Ph.D. in Law, barrister

Paweł Ziółek graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in 1988, in 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw. He started his career as a scientific researcher in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and also in the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw. In 1994, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. He has been the owner of European Policy Consultants – law and legislative firm – since 1995. He graduated from the European Union Law post graduate studies of the University of Warsaw, Management, Financial Consultancy and Finance and Accounting post-graduate studies of the Warsaw School of Economics. He was entered into the register of solicitors held by the District Bar Association in Warsaw in 2010.

Fields of specialization: European Union law, consulting on legislative processes of Polish governmental bodies and European Union bodies.

Experience: Ph.D. in Law, barrister, owner of European Policy Consultants – law and consulting firm that specializes in legislative consulting. In 1989 he was adviser to the Minister for relations with political parties. In the 3.990s, he was the foreign affairs adviser to the President of the Republic of Poland as well as an adviser at the Centre for International Relations of the Polish Senate. In 1998-2001 – a member of the Supervisory Board in NFI Foksal and NFI Zachodni; in 2005-2007 – a member of the Supervisory Board in NFI II, in 2008-2012 – a member of Supervisory Board in Trakcja Polska S.A.

Membership in associations: A member of District Bar Association in Warsaw (barrister) since 2010.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, French.

Alicja Staroń – solicitor

Alicja Starori has finished the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Wroclaw.

Fields of specialization: administrative law, procedural law, civil law, labour law.

Experience: she has been providing legal services to large companies and participated in ownership transformations. She has been running her own legal adviser office and provided legal services to commercial companies and civil-law partnerships and natural persons. She has been handling litigation in civil law, labour law, as well as economic law before the courts of all instances.

Membership in associations: a member of legal advisers’ self-governing council, entered into the register of legal advisers held by the District Chamber for Legal Advisers in Warsaw. Currently, she serves as an inspector, and previously a member of legal advisers’ self-governing council in Warsaw and a member of the National Council for Legal Advisers.

Knowledge of foreign languages: Russian, English.

Publications and additional information: author of publications in labour law and in selected issues of procedural law. Lecturer in labour law, selected fields of civil law, protection of personal data.

Magdalena Broniszewska – lawyer

In 2000, Magdalena Broniszewska graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznari and received the Master of Law degree. She was entered into the register of associate solicitors held by the District Chamber for Legal Advisers in Warsaw in 2011.

Fields of specialization: legislation, public finance sector law.

Experience: an employee of the Office of Human Rights Defender (until 2004), had been working in a team of fundamental personal rights and freedom – specializing in constitutional law – access to public information, personal data protection, the right to privacy, discrimination, equality before the law, right to education. The author of proposals to the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and extraordinary reviews for the Supreme Court within the above mentioned scope.

Membership in associations: a member of the District Chamber for Legal Advisers in Warsaw (apprentice) since 2011.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Russian.

Karolina Targariska – lawyer

In 2002, Karolina Targariska graduated from the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wroclaw. In 2003, she graduated from EU Structural Funds Postgraduate Studies (of the University of Lodi), and in 2006 she finished “Project Management” (Warsaw School of Economics).

Fields of specialization: public-private partnership, public aid, competition law, mechanisms and regulations concerning the implementation and disbursement of EU structural funds.

Experience: since 2003, she has been working as a civil servant providing services for public administration in structural funds management and public aid. An expert in raising and management of EU structural funds. She has extensive experience in managing and implementation of projects, which are co-funded by the EU on the national and international levels. She specializes in providing legal consulting within the scope of competition law and public aid law. In particular, she provides legal advice for entities, which provide and benefit from public aid during implementation of projects co-financed with EU funds. She has extensive experience in providing services for government and self-government administration. Associate solicitor.

Membership in associations: a member of the District Chamber for Legal Advisers in Warsaw (apprentice) since 2011.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Italian.

Publications and additional information: the author of public aid programmes. The author of researche in public aid for entities, which provide public aid for projects co-funded with by EU funds. Moreover, an experienced lecturer and trainer in structural funds and competition law.

Radosław Świtkiewicz – lawyer

Radosfaw Switkiewicz graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw in 1988, he also finished the Postgraduate Accounting and Financial Audit studies at the University of Warsaw. In 2009 he was entered into the register of apprentice lawyers held by the District Bar Association in Warsaw.

Fields of specialization: legislation consulting, civil law, administrative law.

Experience: during the 1990s, he was an adviser to the President of the National Insurance Supervisory Authority. In 1991-2004 he was Director of the Parliamentary Club and Group Office of the Freedom Union party, Solidarity Electoral Action party and Conservative People’s Party, where he took an active part in developing draft acts and resolutions. He was Director of the Legal Research Bureau in Gemini 3000 company, he was a fellow member in the law firm of Krzysztof Rajczewski, he also cooperated with Law&Finance Support. He conducted training courses in administrative procedures for units of local government bodies, he also provided legal advice as part of programmes funded by the European Union. He has extensive experience in executing expert opinions in civil law, including real estate trading, commercial law.

Membership in associations: a member of District Bar Association in Warsaw (apprentice) since 2010.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, German.

Mateusz Szynkaruk – lawyer

Mateusz Szynkaruk graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toru6 and Postgraduate College of Competition Law of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is an apprentice at the District Chamber for Legal Advisers in Warsaw since 2010.

Fields of specialization: energy law, competition law, regulations concerning the implementation and disbursement of EU structural funds.

Experience: as an employee of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) he participated in numerous notifications of public aid and executed draft opinions for the President of the UOKiK, which were published pursuant to the Proceedings in Public Aid Related Cases Act of April 3o, 2004. He participated in the process of notification of public aid for the power sector both at the national level and before the European Commission. He possesses experience in providing legal services for an institution, which implements EU funds. He is an experienced instructor.

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, German.

Ziółek i Wspólnicy European Policy Consultants Spółka Komandytowa

NIP: 526-255-66-98 REGON: 017261664 KRS: 0000036022

Adres: Plac Dąbrowskiego 1, 00-057 Warszawa

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Telefon: (22) 333-72-56, (22) 333-72-55